Daddy Grew What?!

Some of the things little kids come up with are just so strange!

He just told me that when he was 'born' in his mommy's tummy, he grew bigger and bigger. Then he added, "And when Daddy was born in MY tummy, he grew bigger and bigger and BIGGER. He grew bigger than me. And he grew a big butt, lots and lots of inches. Then he exploded me and he came out of my tummy."

I have no problem with him thinking he could have had a baby, no problem that he doesn't understand he couldn't have had daddy as a baby, he'll figure all that out. What I don't get is why he thinks daddy grew a big butt! What?! His dad is slim, Cody X even says his dad is not fat so where did that even COME from? Little kids steal your sanity because they don't have any of their own to work with...


My granddaughter had spent most of the day yelling at and bossing her little brother around. When I made her stop yet again, she defended herself saying haughtily, "All sisters want to take care of their brothers and make sure they're safe." I watched her for a moment and said, "That's true sometimes. But that's not what you're doing, is it? You just want to boss him around!" She tried to hide her grin but it was so big she couldn't. She hid her face, then started rolling around on the sofa and complained, "HOW do you people always find out these things?!"

Erased Your Brain?

My friend went for an MRI on her ankle; she took her two youngest, thinking she could talk to them about what was happening. Instead, the children had to wait in a waiting room. The staff brought them a little treat, gave them books and magazines to occupy themselves and watched over them while my friend was in there.

When she came out, she tried to gather things and get them all out quickly, trying to keep the kids quiet while she dealt with the paperwork. But her little 5 year old daughter kept asking, "What's our names, Mommy?" "Don't be silly, you know your names, and so do I." Little S persisted with her question until they were on their way out and my friend answered with annoyance, "You're little S, he's J, WHY?!" She was surprised to see her little one so relieved and even more surprised when her daughter responded, "Oh, good! I thought that machine erased your brain and you would forget us and then you would go marry someone else besides Daddy!"

Trained Into Reclusion?

Finally, FINALLY I took Cody X to the library activity day for children. It was great, he had fun. At first he wouldn't go in, I told him he could play with other kids or spend all his time with an old, boring Grandma. He chose boring Grandma. But I took him in anyway and he even participated.

If he were a naturally reclusive, introverted boy, there would be no problem but he isn't. I don't want him to miss out on things that will enrich his life just because that's how I am. I'm thinking big D isn't quite as introverted as he thinks either. It was so familiar when he started becoming that way that I let it happen but seeing baby D (Cody X) made me realize I had too much to do with that; it wasn't his natural way. Time to make a plan of action.

Natural Male Authority?

Big D didn't want to go with me somewhere and said in a silly, deep voice, "I'm not going this time. I make the rules around here, can't you tell? I'm speaking in a deep voice so I'm in charge!"