Trained Into Reclusion?

Finally, FINALLY I took Cody X to the library activity day for children. It was great, he had fun. At first he wouldn't go in, I told him he could play with other kids or spend all his time with an old, boring Grandma. He chose boring Grandma. But I took him in anyway and he even participated.

If he were a naturally reclusive, introverted boy, there would be no problem but he isn't. I don't want him to miss out on things that will enrich his life just because that's how I am. I'm thinking big D isn't quite as introverted as he thinks either. It was so familiar when he started becoming that way that I let it happen but seeing baby D (Cody X) made me realize I had too much to do with that; it wasn't his natural way. Time to make a plan of action.

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