"b" and "d" confusion

When little children learn to write and read, one frequent problem is confusing lower case "b" and "d". Here's a helpful saying:
"b" has a big belly; "d" has a daunting derrière.

It helps to draw pictures of these letters in character, for example draw a letter b with a lighter drawing as part of it that shows a person with a big belly walking forward. For the d, draw someone with a big backside (but don't call it a backside, butt, or bottom, that will mess it up entirely!) walking in the same direction.They will learn the words daunting and derrière along with the right way to form these letters and hopefully it will be a bit funny too.

I would draw examples for you but I'm no artist - actually I'm specifically not an artist. I did try but in real life, I always had their dad draw them for me.

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