WHAT'S in your water bottle?

Yet another example of the ways littles can steal your sanity, what do you say to things like this?

My little grandson was thirsty so I gave him water in a clear water bottle. After a bit I heard him yell from the kitchen, "Ooh, yuck! What's THIS? What is this in my water bottle?" I went in to see if he had somehow gotten crumbs or something in it, there was nothing in it. Nothing. He took it and looked at it and yelped out in horror - "It's still there Grandma. It's a dead killer whale!"

This next one was my fault. I was playing a video game and got hit by an enemy because I made a dumb move. I said, "Oh, you retarded Tia (my name)." Now when someone plays that game, he warns them to watch out for the retarded Tias!

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